Friday, October 11, 2019

Water Conservation!

 This week we are coming to the end of our first management jobs of the semester. I was in the water crew and was in charge of watering the plants, checking irrigation, and managing the reuse of water. Through this job, I learned in-depth techniques on the proper amount of water for plants of different maturities, and the little things that can be done around the farm (or a home garden!) to save water. Primarily, I had no idea that mature plants could survive on the little amount of water that drip irrigation provides. However, I learned that the drops throughout the day are more than enough to sustain a mature plant. In addition, there are many techniques to watering that save time and money. For instance, an English-style watering can is optimal for watering young plants because of the way that the water comes out, similar to rain. It has a larger watering area, so more plants are watered at a time, with less water used! One of my favorite water conservation methods we use on the farm is the water-catching bucket under the sink that can reuse the grey water for watering the large perennial plants or trees and vines in the orchard. It's my favorite method because of how simple and easy it is, but with such a big effect!

Maddie Loebbaka

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