Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Beds New Jobs

More than a month after getting our new plants into the ground the Sustag farm is sprouting up for another year. The lettuce is growing larger by the day, and the tomatoes are looking ripe and let me tell you how big of a bite I'd take out of one of those puppies. A big one. Mr. Stewart has been very helpful in getting us off our feet with our recently assigned, class beds. My group and I must've been given one fertile bed, because the kale on it looks like it could support a tree swing. Some groups' beds are rather weed infested, but judging by the speed at which our one-beds were put into shape, I have no doubt that my fellow Sustaggers will have them in prime condition in no-time. Just this week we did the first rotation of jobs on the farm. Every bed group gets a job for over a month, which could be compost crew, companions crew, watering crew, plants crew, or maintenance crew, each with specific jobs that are crucial in the functionality of the farm. I started out as part of the maintenance crew, weeding pathways and keeping order in the tool shed by cleaning it, making sure all the tools are returned and in good condition. I look forward to the coming months in Sustainable Agriculture where I am taking on a role as one of the watering crew managers, and I am confident that I will keep everyone's plants well hydrated. 

Hudson Brekhus

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