Monday, October 7, 2019

Iron Chef #1

Iron Chef #1

This past week in Sustainable Agriculture we performed our first Iron Chef competition. The theme of the challenge was "Fall Herbs" due to the plentiful supply of these plants on our farm. Rosemary, basil, mint, and chives were common herbs used among the four groups. Each group had roughly eight members as the classroom only has the capacity for four cooking/prepping stations. We were told about this assignment a few days before in case anyone wanted to bring in any produce or food that wasn't available to us from the farm. On the day of the competition, Mr. Stewart gave us time to harvest and record any produce that we wanted to use for our dish. Aside from the herbs, lemons and other fruits such as strawberries and apples were popular additions to each group's dish, providing a good aide on the presentation aspect of this assignment. Each of the four dishes were tasted by Mr. Stewart and graded based on their taste, presentation, sustainability, preparation, and cleanup. In the classroom, each group was given a hot plate, a few knives, a plate, a mixing bowl, and access to their own sink. Only two people from each group were allowed to be using the hot at a time so the rest of the members either helped clean up or prepare other parts of the dish. We had roughly 40 minutes to prepare our meals, and I was pretty impressed with what each team was able to make. In the end, one team was crowned the winner for their excellent and thorough use of "Fall Herbs" and were awarded a few extra credit points for their victory.

By: Ryan Carlson

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