Thursday, June 7, 2018

MPMS Presentation

Last Friday, Gabe Mando (4th period) and I went to Marin Primary and Middle School --MPS-- to present about sustainability and our sustainable agriculture class. Our presentation was pitched to a class of about 20 6th grade students. We tried our best to incorporate the most important topics we learned this year into our presentation. These include soil testing, double digging, watering and planting methods. We also explained how we work in our class to be sustainable and use BIOSORN as a guideline. In an attempt to engage the kids that we were presenting to, we brought soil from the farm and from Heatherwood Park and let the kids do soil testing to determine the composition of the soil. Our farm soil was very close to Loam on average and the other soil was much more sandy (not as healthy). The kids had fun getting their hands dirty and learning about how they can use different feel tests to determine the sand, silt, and clay compositions in the soil that they were holding. An objective of our presentation was to educate the students on SustAg as a class and encourage them to one day take it when they go to Redwood High. We explained projects we do and trips we take such as the one bed project, market days, and our field trips this year. Overall, our presentation was very successful and we received a lot of good questions and feedback.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

2018 Final Projects

See many examples of our Final Project work from this spring (2018) here:

Thank you for all of your hard work and your positive contributions!


Mr. Stewart