Thursday, January 23, 2020

Iron Chef III

Today in class, we had our third 'iron chef' competition of the year. The theme of this cooking competition was low miles, meaning the number of miles the food traveled to get on the plate was to be as low as possible to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions the ingredients would use to travel to the classroom. Students were encouraged to bring ingredients found in their gardens, as well as harvest organic food grown on the farm to limit the number of miles going into their meal. The competition was an incredible learning experience because it allowed us to recognize the costs of cooking a meal requires lots of transportation of ingredients that cannot be found locally. It was interesting to see how students were able to improvise to create meals that were environmentally friendly. After the judging, everyone in my class period enjoyed sharing the leftover food from the challenge and were happy that we were able to create delicious meals without unnecessary harm to the environment.

-Sam Schiller, 6th period

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