Sunday, January 31, 2016

Putting farm food to use

This week in Sustainable Agriculture, we participated in a food and use cook off. Our class split ourselves up into four groups to compete against each other. In addition to the students enrolled in our class, we had students visiting from Ecuador and Nicaragua who participated as well. Like us, they complete work to help the environment and are invested in promoting sustainability. Many of them said that they are involved in projects that work to plant trees in their home countries.

For the cook off, my group decided to make an egg scramble that we ended up naming, Los Juevos Gringos. One of my group members has a coop with chickens at her house, and we used a couple eggs that she collected to ensure that our dish was completely sustainable. In addition to the eggs, we grilled some spicy peppers, tomatoes, and bell bean leaves to be mixed in with our dish. We also added some fresh cilantro to garnish the dish and contribute to its overall aesthetic and presentation.

In judging, Jon (pictured middle) said that our eggs were textured perfectly. My group members and I felt that this meant our dish was the best, which it was. Unfortunately, another group edged us out for first place on creativity points. They made vegan deviled eggs, out of potatoes instead of actual eggs.
We also lost points because one of the judges (Miles Daly, right) felt that the dish was a bit too spicy for his liking.


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