Monday, April 29, 2019

Artichoke farm to fork

Artichokes are apart of the Daisy family and many historians believe it originated in Sicily. One artichoke plant produces on average 15-20 pounds of artichoke, depending on type of plant however. The heart of the artichoke is one hundred percent edible, he other parts of the artichoke including its leaves, the stem and the furry stuff should be avoided while eating. These artichoke plants are able to reach over 6.5 feet in some cases, however the artichoke plant on out farm is about 5. The B6 bed has an artichoke plant in it and it has been producing its artichokes for the past weeks. I was able to get my hands on one of these artichokes at the last farmers market (4/19/19), at a price of 2$. My artichoke was a little bit larger than a baseball and tasted amazing. I started off by cutting off the small leaves at the top, then slicing it in half. I removed all the hairs and purple flowers on the inside and placed them in a bowl to steam in. I added a little but of lemon juice and let them steam for 15 minutes, while prepping my grill at 350°F. I removed the artichoke halves from the steamer and threw them on the grill, giving each side about 5 minutes (or until there are grill marks). Just before taking them off I melted some butter and added garlic, salt, and some other herbs.—damon

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