Saturday, October 7, 2017

Iron Chef! #1

This week our class had our very own Iron Chef cooking competition!  We collaborated in groups to create a sustainable dish of our choice using produce from the farm and other ingredients that we brought from home.  First, we went out to the farm and harvested and weighed our desired produce.  When we returned to the class, we began cooking.  All groups had access to a burner in case the meal required cooking.  In addition to the burner, Mr. Stewart provided us with the basics: salt, pepper, a measuring cup, bowls, and silverware. Once complete, the dishes were eaten and judged by the best critiques-Mr. Stewart and Scott. The meals were compared by their taste, sustainability, presentation, and preparation.  It is ideal to have little compost or garbage afterwards as it wastes the produce and is unsustainable.  In order to win, the entire group had to be involved in the process by helping cook and clean.  Presentation was key and the groups took great pride in their meal's creative display.  As for presentation, the groups were required to fill out a form recording specifically where their ingredients were acquired from.  

The winning dish!  Elbow pasta topped with marinara sauce:
Before    After!

By: Olivia Treadway

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