Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why Take SustAg?

Throughout my four years at Redwood High School, Sustainable Agriculture 1-2 was not only the most informative and relevant class I enrolled in, but also the most unique. It is a lot to ask of a teenager to sit inside for seven hours a day and listen to lectures and take notes. Instead with SustAg, one of those seven hours can be spent outside; taking in the sun, practicing sustainable farming methods and discussing future planting plans with fellow classmates. One of the many perks of taking this class is getting to understand the impact an individual can have on the planet. Although it may seem like one person cannot make a difference in the world, this class shows not only that change can be made but that it can have a tremendous impact on the world. The knowledge we learn in Sustainable Agriculture not only benefits us directly but often we share our concerns about the environment with friends and family members, encouraging them to take action in making the planet a cleaner and greener place!
Last year, the first ever class of Sustainable Agriculture, was a huge success. The 2014-2015 Sustainable Agriculture students helped get the farm running by preparing raised plant beds to plant vegetables and running the first couple Market days. But more importantly, the first ever Sustainable Agriculture class spread the word of the new program and general idea of sustainability throughout Redwood high school. I am proud to be a part of the first ever Year 2 sustainable agriculture program and was a member of the first ever SustAg class here at Redwood. The following year will challenge us year two students not only to grow and sell vegetables like last year, but also to spread our knowledge of sustainable farming with the new students.
Although there has only been one full year of SustAg and we are just starting the second, I am confident that this class and the Redwood High School farm will be around for many more years to come!

Trevor Ryan 6th period

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