The time has finally come where we are wrapping up the year and using our knowledge and experiences to better the world around us, as well as our garden.
This week in Sustainable Agriculture we have not been on the farm a lot. We went out on monday and tried Mr.Stewart's new participation grading method where if we were seen working we would receive a star, and needed to earn at least 2 stars to get our participation for the day! This worked very well at keeping everyone on task and not just waiting for when Mr.Stewart is near to get to work.
This week we also finalized our final projects. On block day we worked on our projects and some of the groups left campus to intern at another farm/organization, like the Indian Valley College of Marin farm picture below. On the IVC farm I got to work in 2 beds removing bermuda grass that had roots over a foot long! As homework for Sustag as well, we read the first 20 pages of our independent reading and creating a reading log, in order to continue to learn about sustainability above what we have learned in class this year and from How to Grow More Vegetables!