Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reestablishing Soil!

The sun made quite an appearance this week, allowing us to get to the farm to work and play. Two beds where Mr. Stewart had been growing strawberries for a few seasons needed to be re-fueled and cared for. We did this by applying a method called "sheet-mulching," where we basically cover both beds entirely in cardboard. Then we add a layer of compost and then straw. 

Marin Municipal Water District states, "Sheet mulching is a layered mulch system that nurtures the soil and replaces existing lawns or other vegetation, eliminating the need to remove unwanted plant material." This process is used when a bed is entirely exhausted and weeded over. The process allows for a fresh start and reboots the bed full of nutrients! 

I contributed with picking up additional cardboard at a local bike shop where there are lots of extra bike boxes. 

-Mackenzie Slaugh  

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