Cookie miles is a project that portrays the implications of non-local food sources. We discovered that almost everything we eat nowadays is imported from somewhere thousands of miles away. This method of eating is completely unsustainable as the travel time causes environmental implications such as excess co2 emissions from transportation. I was calculating how much peanut butter cookies would cost the environment, comparing imported goods to local goods. By my calculations 1069.23 grams of co2 are emitted from one batch of non-locally sourced peanut butter cookies. However a local peanut butter cookie only produces 3.99 grams of co2. As you can see, this is a drastic decrease and if people can get on board with buying locally, a lot of our environment could be saved.
The other project we focused on was fermentation. We learnt how to make pickles and kimchi as well as learning about beneficial bacteria that acts as a natural preservative. I really enjoyed making pickles as we got to see how easy it is to re-create something that can be so highly processed and unhealthy in the supermarkets, to something extremely natural.
Overall, this was a great week filled with lots of learning and new experiences!