Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Winter from RHS Sustainable Agriculture!

The Redwood Farm continues to grow, even in the cold.  Irrigation is being updated by Heritage Landscapes and over the school holiday, fencing will be installed.

The cold weather, uneven watering, and lack of fencing has made it a bit hard on our initial plantings, but we are learning about our site though observation. The infrastructure that will make a difference will be in place soon.

Tentative winter work days have been scheduled for January 18 and February 8.  If weather and planning permit, we will do some irrigation and soil work and perhaps install a water catchment system.  Also mark your calendars for March 22, April 26, and May 17.

If you know interested Redwood students, Sustainable Agriculture will be offered as a year-long science course starting in the fall.  Tell students you know about it!  Here is the course description:

SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 1-2 (UC "g" pending) In Sustainable Agriculture, students experience how one of our strongest connections with the earth is through food.  Utilizing hands-on scientific experimentation and project-based learning, students plan, cultivate, and maintain the student-run on-campus organic farm.  Students work collaboratively to harvest, share, use, and recycle wastes from the plants they grow while assessing the sustainability of their techniques.  Topics include plant identification, composting, soil science and regeneration, sustainable farming methods, and impacts of agriculture.  Community connections are strengthened through field trips, guest teachers, plant sales, and volunteer work days.  Students must have interest and motivation to learn about growing food and be ready to work to support the land it comes from.  Prerequisite: Passing grades in Integrates Science 1-4; with instructor's approval and completion of Integrated Science 1-2, may be taken concurrently with Integrated Science 3-4.

Finally check out our farm logo.  Thanks to parent Randi Curhan and student Deya Torres:
Happy holidays and see you in 2014!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Work Day Invitiation

An after school work day has been planned for Monday, November 25 from 3:20-5pm.  Come on out if you would like to plant some perennials, cover crop, and maybe build a bed if there is time. 

We will try to schedule a work day mid-winter as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Farm Work Day #2

Our second farm work day was a success!

About 50 students from Redwood, Drake, San Rafael HS, and Davidson MS showed up along with 20 or so teachers, parents and community members to build soil beds, plant perennials, plant peas, garlic, onions, lettuce, build compost, build structures, and more.

See pictures at our Facebook page.

Thank you to everyone who was there and supported the work day.

There will be a short after-school work day on Monday November 25 to do some more perennial planting and we will try to schedule a Saturday in the winter as well.  There are presently Saturday work days on Mar 22, Apr 26, May 17 from 9a-12p.

Also, the RHS SustAg program gets 10% of all purchases you make at any Sloat from Nov. 30-Dec. 15 and Jan 18-26.  Just mention "Redwood High School" at check out.

Thank you for your interest supporting a sustainable future at Redwood and beyond.

--Mr. Stewart

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ways to support the farm

Farm updates:
• Ecology students doing farm projects this week.
• Electrical, irrigation, and fencing planning under way.
• Cover crop starting to grow.  See our Facebook page for a picture!

How can you help?
• Donate from our WISH LIST.
• Come help at the next work day: November 16 from 9am-12pm (or so).
• Mention us at Sloat from Nov. 2-10 (and future dates) when you buy things there.  We will receive 10% of what you pay!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Work day a success and more to come!

Check out pictures from our October 12 workday at RHS SustAg on Facebook.

Our next workday is November 16 from 9a-Noon or so.

ALSO...There will be an advisory committee/visioning meeting in on Tuesday October 22 from 6-7:30 in room 211 at Redwood High School for parents, students, teachers, and community members interested in taking on a leadership role.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Work Day this Saturday!

Come help out from 9a-noon or 1pm.  The mini-farm area is adjacent to the existing Ecology Garden by the tennis courts and pool.  Drop-ins welcome.  Come ready to work, learn, and teach.  We will build soil, do some planning, weed in some areas, and more.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Soil Building Begins

The Redwood High School Sustainable Agriculture Farm has arrived!

On September 18, 2013, a quarter acre of land on the Redwood campus was reserved by the TUHSD School Board for present and long-term use as a sustainable farm.  The farm will be used as a study site for a number of classes including Ecology, APES, and US History.  In addition, a new course on Sustainable Agriculture is being proposed.
The farm will also be an important community project.  Parents, students, and community members are encouraged to get involved through school, the PTSA and Redwood Foundation, and Campus Beautification.  Partnerships have also been established with local non-profits Global Student Embassy and Next Generation
Like us on Facebook
Interested in being involved or donating? 
-Contact Mr. Stewart.
-Come to our work days (meet at the mini-farm and drop in for part or all of the time):
OCTOBER 12 from 9a-1pm
NOVEMBER 16 from 9a-1pm